Poolz IDO Full Details

Get whitelisted here: https://www.poolz.finance/project-details/about/219

IDO Details:

  • IDO launch date: September 23, 2024

  • Ticker/Symbol: LAY3R

  • Total supply: 30M (30,000,000) LAY3R

  • Circulating supply: 2,386,880 LAY3R

  • TGE Market cap: $550,028

  • Full Market cap: $19,500,000

  • Price per $LAY3R: $0.65

  • Token Network: BNB Chain

  • Token Distribution: 15% at TGE

  • Distribution Type: Claiming from Poolz Finance system

  • Vesting time: 6 months of linear vesting


You can watch this video or read the steps below:

In order to be eligible for the Poolz Finance LAY3R IDO, you need to lock their POOLX token on the Poolz dashboard. To have a guaranteed allocation in the projects you want to participate in, you have to lock at least 250 POOLX tokens.

  1. Buy at least 250 POOLX for guaranteed allocation. You can simply increase your allocation size by locking more POOLX.

  2. Lock Your POOLX tokens: https://www.poolz.finance/lock-poolx

  3. Apply for Whitelist: Connect on BNB Chain with your participation wallet, go to the Dashboard, and click on Whitelist: https://www.poolz.finance/dashboard/Whitelist

  4. Look for AutoLayer's ticker, click on Join Whitelist, and pay the gas fee.

  5. As soon as you’re whitelisted, you will be able to see your $USDT allocation size on your dashboard/whitelist tab.

  6. Once the sale is live, purchase your allocation by connecting with your BNB Chain wallet & make sure you have enough $USDT for the allocation and BNB for gas fees: https://www.poolz.finance/project-details/about/219

  7. Wait until the listing day, and once LAY3R gets listed, you can claim your LAY3R tokens according to the vesting schedule: https://www.poolz.finance/dashboard/MyTokens

  • Follow Poolz Finance Announcement channel for all relevant Autolayer news: https://t.me/Poolz_Announcements

Last updated




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