Key Terms

Key Terminologies and Phrases in AutoLayer

Staking and Restaking

Staking is the process of locking a user's crypto assets for a certain amount of time to support the operation of a blockchain. In return, the user receives rewards in the form of other cryptocurrencies. Restaking is when those same assets are staked again - but on another program or platform. The user gets even more rewards this way, but is also exposed to more slashing risks.

Liquid Staking & Liquid Restaking

AutoLayer allows users to deposit their ETH into a staking pool, receiving Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) in the process. These tokens are a representation of a user's claim on their ETH and its staking yield. Users can trade LSTs within the DeFi ecosystem and redeem them for their underlying ETH value after some time.

LSTs can be restaked by their respective holders by transferring them to smart contracts in EigenLayer.


Directly from the EigenLayer Docs:

"EigenLayer is a protocol built on Ethereum that introduces restaking, a new primitive in cryptoeconomic security. This primitive enables the reuse of ETH on the consensus layer. Users that stake ETH natively or with a liquid staking token (LST) can opt-in to EigenLayer smart contracts to restake their ETH or LST and extend cryptoeconomic security to additional applications on the network to earn additional rewards."


Slashing is a built-in mechanism built into blockchains to discourage and penalize malicious behavior from validators. Protocols have their own slashing mechanisms, but they all follow the same rule: if a validator displays any abnormal behavior, it will lose a percentage of its tokens.

AVS (Actively Validated Services)

Directly from the EigenLayer Docs:

"Any system that requires its own distributed validation semantics for verification, such as sidechains, data availability layers, new virtual machines, keeper networks, oracle networks, bridges, threshold cryptography schemes, and trusted execution environments."


The AutoLayer token is at the center of the entire Dapp, gaining value as the user base grows and rewarding its holders. To achieve this, a platform fee of 0.15% applies to every operation conducted on AutoLayer. This operation does not consume gas, as it is bundled with the rest of the initial transactions. Please visit our tokenomics for more information.


Our Triggers feature functions like oracles, gathering data from both on-chain and off-chain sources. These triggers continuously adjust strategies based on received information. For instance, AutoLayer allows you to farm tokens until their value decreases, offering numerous other exciting possibilities.

Longing/Shorting Assets

In AutoLayer, you have the opportunity to enhance and fine-tune your strategy through the incorporation of the Perpetual Node. This feature allows you to precisely define your preferred leverage level and the direction of your position, whether it's 'long' (betting on the price to rise) or 'short' (betting on the price to fall).

Yield Farming

AutoLayer's platform offers an all-encompassing solution for navigating the realm of yield farming. We've integrated on the Arbitrum ecosystem with leading protocols like Camelot, SushiSwap, Balancer, and GMX, granting users entry into more than 20 Vaults and Farms. These options span a broad spectrum of opportunities for earning returns on various assets.

Auto Compound

With AutoLayer vaults, you can effortlessly harness the power of auto-compounding across all farms available on our platform.

Our vaults at AutoLayer are designed to seamlessly automate this compounding process. Whether it's every 24 hours or triggered by a new user adding liquidity, our vaults spring into action by instantly converting all reward tokens into compound interest. This strategic mechanism progressively grows your investment over time. As a bonus, we take care of gas costs – they are already factored into our initial fee, ensuring that the auto-compounding procedure doesn't add any extra expense for you, our valued user.

Liquidity Pool

Liquidity on AutoLayer is closely tied to trading volume. Volume represents the total monetary value traded within a specific pair over the past 24 hours. Within the liquidity pool, volume plays a pivotal role as it directly influences our profits, which stem from commissions earned on that pair.

In this context, higher trading volume translates to increased commissions, which are then distributed among all liquidity providers. So, the greater the trading volume, the larger the commissions shared among those participating in the liquidity pool.

Gas Fee

The cost required to execute a transaction on a blockchain, often measured in Ethereum's native currency, Ether (ETH). For every transaction, we charge an upfront fee of 0.5% and a 5% fee on profits at the end. This covers the gas expenses of execution, which sometimes require more than one transaction. So, with Tortle Ninja, you only need the initial gas to operate. We take care of the rest.

In addition to our fees, DEXs and protocols charge additional fees for their services. These costs are normally small and are included in our analytical suite, so you will always have visibility into the total costs.


Oracles provide real-world data to blockchain smart contracts, vital for DeFi apps. In Tortle Ninja, we have Combo Triggers that work like oracles, collecting data from both on-chain and off-chain sources. These triggers adapt strategies based on received information. For example, Tortle Ninja allows you to profit by farming tokens during periods when their value is decreasing, opening up numerous innovative possibilities for advanced token trading strategies.


"On-chain" refers to activities or data that are recorded directly on the blockchain, making them immutable and transparent. "Off-chain" refers to activities or data that occur or exist outside the blockchain, often in a more traditional or centralized manner.

Progressive Web App

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web application that mimics the user experience of a native mobile app. This technology is especially advantageous for blockchain and cryptocurrency platforms. Exciting news: Tortle Ninja is now accessible as a mobile app, harnessing PWA technology to offer users a native mobile app-like experience.

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