FAQs and Troubleshooting

This is where you can find the most frequently asked questions about AutoLayer as well as its most common issues and how to resolve them.

FAQs and troubleshooting are updated frequently. Check often.

dApp FAQs

What is AutoLayer?

The premier LRTfi app on Arbitrum, consolidating all LRT offerings, strategies, and DeFi opportunities into one convenient interface. Backed by Kucoin Labs, Morningstar Ventures, Dewhales, Staked.vc, and more.

Which protocols are integrated into the AutoLayer dapp and on which chain?

AutoLayer is on the Arbitrum Network and will soon be on the Ethereum Network. The protocols include EigenLayer, Renzo Protocol, Kelp DAO, Balancer, Camelot DEX, Gamma, ether.fi, soon on Puffer Finance, Swell and more.

When was the AutoLayer has launched?

AutoLayer launched its mainnet on March 11, 2024.

How Does AutoLayer Generate Yield?

Whenever you use AutoLayer’s various Liquid Staking or Liquid Restaking strategies, you get an assortment of rewards — this is what is referred to as yield. Put in simpler terms, it’s how much you earn through investing in DeFi. But how exactly does AutoLayer generate yield?

  • AutoLayer Points: Every time you engage with AutoLayer through LRTs, LSTs, and DeFi strategies, you earn points equivalent to the volume traded. These points will be valuable for future airdrops.

  • Staking Rewards: The deepest layer. These are rewards you receive as a fee for securing the Ethereum network. AutoLayer calculates these by understanding the mix of LSTs on every LRT token and providing an APY figure based on this information.

  • EigenLayer Points: The process of restaking is done through EigenLayer, so as a result, you also earn EigenLayer Points by holding LRTs. The longer you hold these tokens, the more EigenLayer Points you get. All of this is calculated using all LRT providers’ data.

  • LRT Points: These Points are gathered by holding LRT tokens over time. In AutoLayer, you can see all the Points you’ve earned from various protocols in just one interface. Also, some of these Points can be directly converted into liquid assets.

  • DeFi Strategies: Our DeFi strategies have successfully added new layers of yield on top of the existing ones by introducing more strategies in AutoLayer. Initially, we have integrated Balancer LRT Pools, where the yield is based on trading fees and additional incentives. As with every other strategy, we have gathered all important KPIs and automated all necessary processes.

When it comes to the DeFi strategies available in the app, what versions of the liquidity pools are being used?

Camelot V3.

How to participate in Staking and Liquid Restaking on AutoLayer?

Visit https://app.autolayer.io/lrt, choose an asset from the LRT, LSTs, and DeFi strategies. Click "More info" to review the asset details, then click "Restake." Enter the amount, click "Continue," and wait for transaction approval. Once approved, you have successfully restaked an asset.

Is there a total amount required to participate in Staking and Liquid Restaking?

There is no minimum amount or transaction requirement. However, if you are participating in our airdrop, eligibility will depend on transaction frequency, activity, and value. The more you restake, the more AutoLayer, EigenLayer, and LRTs points you will collect.

What is AutoLayer Points?

AutoLayer rewards users with points for trading activities and app engagement, recorded on smart contracts, these points signify future substantial value, with a multiplier effect on select assets, actions, and strategies, allowing users to earn extra points per dollar based on the multiplier coefficient.

Currently non-liquid and non-tradeable.

What is the equivalent of AutoLayer Points and how I can get them?

Each dollar or equivalent asset traded on AutoLayer earns 1 AutoLayer Point.

Engage and trade on AutoLayer by restaking, staking, and using DeFi strategies. Each asset will allow you to collect AutoLayer, EigenLayer, and LRTs points.

How to earn EigenLayer and LRTs points on AutoLayer?

Acquire LRT tokens (ezETH, rsETH, and more) to access EigenLayer Points on AutoLayer. Most LRTfi providers distribute points based on asset positions. More details coming soon.

How to withdraw and unstake an asset?

Visit https://app.autolayer.io/lrt, navigate to the "Your Deposit" section, and select the asset you wish to withdraw or unstake. For LRTs, use the "Swap" button to exchange it for ETH or any desired token. For LSTs and DeFi strategies, simply click "Withdraw," and your funds will be returned to your wallet.

Will my AutoLayer points remain if I withdraw, swap, or unstake my asset/s?

Yes, the AutoLayer points will remain the same regardless of whether you withdraw, swap, or unstake your assets.

What about the other points like EigenLayer, Renzo Protocol, and Kelp DAO, will I keep them?

EigenLayer, Renzo, and Kelp DAO points are time-based, so the longer you hold them, the more value they will accrue. You can also retain the same points even if you withdraw.

Rewards, Campaigns, Airdrop FAQs

Campaigns currently running:

  • Galactic Journey on Galxe, ending on May 27th, 2024.

  • PoolzBoost has already ended on May 18th, 2024.

  • Restaking Leaderboard ending on May 27th, 2024.

Genesis NFTs will be distributed before the TGE to the wallet you used to join the PoolzBoost and Galxe Campaign.

LAY3R Airdrop

How can I participate in the $LAY3R Airdrop?

Earning AutoLayer Points: Your allocation in the airdrop will be determined by your accumulation of AutoLayer Points.

Participation via Galxe Galactic Journey and Poolzboost Campaign: Upon securing a position in the top 800 on Galxe and 200 participants randomly selected in Poolzboost, you will receive valuable Genesis NFTs, integral to the airdrop, with exclusive features.

Restaking Competition: Securing a place in the top 25 on the leaderboard will entitle you to share up to $200,000 in rewards depending on the milestone achieved as the prize pool will vary based up to milestones 5. As of May 17, 2024, we are about to enter milestone

How can I maximize my allocation?

Simply restake on AutoLayer and start collecting AutoLayer Points

If I won the Galactic Journey on Galxe, where can I claim my Genesis NFT and airdrop?

One of the eligibility requirements for the LAY3R airdrop is owning the Genesis NFT. The Genesis NFTs will be sent to the address you used when joining our campaigns on Galxe and PoolzBoost.

The official LAY3R airdrop will have a claim portal to claim your airdrop, and we will announce it on our socials. Make sure you follow us and stay updated.

Please beware of scammers and malicious links; our official website is https://autolayer.io/ and X account is https://x.com/AutoLayer or @AutoLayer.

When is the TGE?

To be announced, and we will provide information very soon.

Where will the allocation for the airdrop be distributed?

On the day of the TGE, we will publish a claim portal. Please stay vigilant and only rely on our community channels. Be cautious of scammers; any link not from our channels is not affiliated with AutoLayer.

Galactic Journey on Galxe and PoolBoost

I am in the top 800 on Galxe. What rewards will I receive?

You will receive a valuable Genesis NFT.

What is the utility of the Genesis NFT reward on Galxe and PoolzBoost?

The Genesis NFT will possess value and exclusive features. More details soon.

Securing a spot in the top 800 on Galxe makes me eligible for the airdrop?

These Genesis NFTs are integral to the LAY3R airdrop and will have value, along with exclusive features. If you've secured your place among the top 800 in our Galactic Journey to Genesis campaign on Galxe, you are eligible for one of the Genesis NFTs. Remember, you must have also made at least one transaction on AutoLayer to be eligible for the airdrop.

I have participated in Galxe Restaking and collecting AutoLayer Points tasks, and by doing this, I have also earned Galxe points. What rewards will I receive?

Points for Galxe to climb up on the leaderboard and AutoLayer Points. If you have gathered a great amount of points, you might also be on the Restaking Leaderboard, thus earning additional rewards.

Check the leaderboard here: https://leaderboard.autolayer.io/

Why do I have to make a transaction on AutoLayer if I've already secured my spot in the top 800 on Galxe?

The top 800 will give you the spot to receive the Genesis NFTs. These NFTs are integral to the airdrop. One of the eligibility criteria for the airdrop is active engagement on AutoLayer over time, which requires transaction interaction, activity, and value.

Why do I have to make a transaction on AutoLayer if I've already secured my spot in the top 800 on Galxe?

The top 800 will give you the spot to receive the Genesis NFTs. These NFTs are integral to the airdrop. One of the eligibility criteria for the airdrop is active engagement on AutoLayer over time, which requires transaction interaction, activity, and value.

Will I get anything if I didn't make it to the top 800 on Galxe?

No, only the top 800 will be selected on Galxe, but you can still be eligible for the airdrop even if you didn't secure your spot on Galxe. Participate in the airdrop by restaking on AutoLayer and collecting AutoLayer points. Greater points will also place you on the AutoLayer leaderboard, which offers additional rewards per milestone achieved.

Check leaderboard standing here: https://leaderboard.autolayer.io/

I have my XXX points on Galxe, why am I not in the XXX spot?

Please check frequently; the leaderboard on Galxe updates every hour. If you continue to experience any issues, please report them to Galxe support@galxe.com.

Restaking Competition

I am in the top 25 on the Restaking Competition. Will I receive reward on top of the AutoLayer points I collected?

Yes, once a milestone is achieved, you will receive your prize share in the restaking competition. The greater the milestone achieved, the higher the reward. For instance, milestone 5 will offer up to 200,000 in LAY3Rs, in addition to the AutoLayer points you have collected.

How many milestones must be reached in the Restaking Competition to unlock the $200,000 LAY3R prize?

Last updated




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