Magic Launchpad Full Details

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IDO Details:

Token Symbol: LAY3R

Network: BNB Chain

Market Maker: TBD

Public Round Token Price: $0.65

Raise on Magic Launhpad: $300,000

Total Token Supply: 30,000,000 LAY3R

Initial Circulating Supply: 890,358 LAY3R

Initial Market Cap (IMC) excluding LP: $500,358

Total Raising Goal: $150,000

Accepted Payment: USDT (BEP20)

Refund Policy: 7 Days

Vesting for IDO Round: 15% unlocked at TGE, no cliff, with a 6-month linear vesting period

Tentative IDO/Listing Dates: IDO: Sept. 23-26, 2024; Listing: Oct. 3, 2024

Magic Launchpad offers 3 pools for the IDO for Road-to-IDO Participants, Magic Members, and the Fair-Share pool. Each pool size is set at $50,000. The Road-to-IDO Participants and Magic Members pools require users to sign up for their whitelist and are on a "first come, first served" basis. The Fair-Share Pool is open to everyone but doesn't start until Sep. 13, 2024 and is on a pro-rata basis, meaning your allocation is based on the size of your deposit relative to the total deposits made by all users in the pool — the more you deposit, the larger your allocation.

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