ChainGPT IDO Full Details

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IDO Details:

Token Symbol: LAY3R

Contract Address: 0x10B0bcef1c7B689cD4f11f52B665d717cFDf5388

Network: BNBChain

Market Maker: TBD

Public Round Token Price: $0.65

Raise on ChainGPT Pad: $300,000

Total Token Supply: 30,000,000 LAY3R

Total Tokens for ChainGPT IDO: 461,538.46 LAY3R

Vesting for IDO Round: 15% unlocked at TGE, no cliff, with a 6-month linear vesting period

Initial Market Cap (IMC) without liquidity: $550,028

Initial Market Cap (IMC) with liquidity: $940,028

Circulating Supply at TGE: 1,446,197 LAY3R (4.8% of the total supply)

Refund Policy: Depending on the launchpad

Tentative IDO/Listing Dates: IDO: Sept 10-12, Listing: Sept 25

Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $19.5 million

Last updated




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